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Our mission is to radically transform a people, by the power of the Holy Ghost, into the image of Christ in nature and work; to raise a people to take and possess their God given Region in the Earth. II Corinthians 3:18, II Corinthians 10:6.


Vine Ministries is an Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry that places an emphasis upon inner healing. We are a training center for men, women, and children of all ages to be laborers in the vineyard by skilling them in the Word of God. We believe in the complete restoration of the fivefold ministry that will mature the saints. It is our vision to usher in the fellowship of all races and believers. We are determined to possess the God given regions He has ordained and decreed to us. We are called to establish a church of love and unity in which the gates of hell cannot prevail. We are a praying church. We are a fasting church. We are a soul winning church.  We are a tithing church. We are a church of praise and worship. We are a family church.  We are a church called to submit to the highest kingdom, the Kingdom of God.

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Brief History

In September of 2007, God instructed Apostle Dr. Jeff and Pastor Karren Crockett to found a Ministry called Vine Church Ministries. The Ministry would be based on John 15:5, " I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.."

Our heart is to teach others how to experience a life of freedom in a personal relationship with the True Vine, Jesus Christ. This freedom, as a branch connected to The Vine, allows each of us to reach out to others and impact their lives.

God has challenged our ministry to become a Center that would consistently facilitate an outpouring of His Spirit and restore the operation of the fivefold ministry to the church.

Though we are affectionately known as Vine Church, God’s kingdom is our foundation. His glory is the heart of our vision. As a ministry, we seek to advance the reign of God and fill the earth with His glory through:
   •    The propagation of the gospel of the kingdom
   •    The release of kingdom concepts that give revelation for life application
   •    Initiatives that further the kingdom, impact the world, better the community
         and strengthen the believer

As God graces us, we will equip His people through the ministry of the Word, worship and witnessing.  In this hour, He continues to empower men and women to live by the Spirit, actualize the fullness of their ordained purpose, and help facilitate the outpour of His Spirit upon all flesh. Our church is humbled to join in that work.

Meet The Church

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